
Accessilogue is a data-driven single-source-of-truth dialogue and subtitle system, that derives all data from specified data table assets imported from your application of choice.

Input Data Tables

Main Components Overview

In the folder Accessilogue → Blueprint, you will find all of the main components, that handle the data for Accessilogue and communicate between the relevant actors. This includes Interfaces, Structures, Data Tables and the manager classes.

  1. BP_MGR_Accessilogue

    The Dialogue Manager (short MGR) class handles any and all logic for spoken dialogue by NPCs, over comms or as narration/non-diegetic. It can be used to play 2D sounds or to send the correct sound files to an NPC blueprint to make them play it with the correct settings applied. It communicates with the HUD to tell it when and what to spawn or despawn/hide as subtitles or player choices. Multiple Dialogue Managers can exist in a level, but they will always handle separate conversations, never the same one. For usecases for this see the ‣ section.

  2. BP_INT_DialogueManagerCommunication

    This class is an interface that handles any and all conversation to or from the Dialogue Manager class. It provides the functions for calling, skipping, queing halting and unhalting dialogue as well as to cmanage the conversations in the queue.


    This is the parent class for all NPCs in the example level and provides the base logic every NPC needs to trigger a conversation, play back audio and/or animations when triggered by the Manager. Its instances also handle triggering interruptions, queuing conversations and triggering/executing consequences for dialogue options.

  4. Dialogue Tables

    Contain all dialogue spoken by the NPCs. Determines priority and which conversation a line belongs to.

  5. Characters Table

    Contains all Characters in the current level and their names, portraits and other data that the game needs to determine how to render HUD elements for that specific character.

  6. Structures for all data tables

    These are necessary for importing data tables of all essential types.


    Handles the updating and communication to and from the Accessilogue HUD.

  8. HUD_Accessilogue

    Handles the rendering and updating of HUD elements.